Breaking Hearts. Continuing the March.

Hello again!

Or, if you’re here for the first time, welcome!

I was so excited last week to finally get back to writing my sci-fi series, and I’m even more excited to say that I made decent progress with it. I’ve been away from it for a while, thanks to a bit of writer’s block after I finished book one. Since then, I ended up writing two other books. >.< (By the way, this is part of why publishers and agents don’t want to see the first book of a series submitted if the rest of the series is incomplete.)

Then, I finally smashed the crap out of that dreaded writer’s block. And…promptly realized that in order to proceed, I had to add several chapters’ worth of stuff to book one to make the ending I want for the story feasible. (The rest of the reason they want a series to be complete before you start submitting. >.< )

So, since I’ve only written about 4 chapters in this series over the last year, I started by reading through what I have. Whenever I reached a point that needed a chapter interjected, I stopped to do so. I’m really happy with the way it turned out, too, though the character involved certainly isn’t.

I kind-of…had to make his life fall apart.

Just a bit.

*chews lip while considering what I’ve put my character through*


It’s necessary.

All told, I’ve read through roughly 83 pages (full-size pages, not book-size, by the way), seven of which were added as I went. I still have a long way to go, and even further to go with book two and the prequel, whenever I finally get done with this one. Steady progress, though.

I’ve also been delving through the archives on Query Shark, an invaluable tool for strengthening your submission materials. If anyone reading this is a fellow writer, check it out. Your query letter can never be too strong. It needs to hulk out. I’m in the process of tweaking all of mine so my next round of submissions (t minus a day or two) will hopefully turn up good results.

For now, I believe I’ll quite talking your ears off (typing your eyes out?).

Keep reading. Keep writing.

Later. 🙂

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